english section

en emy

me right now: I am worthy. I am perfect. I am enough. I am me.
me some other time: anjing kek paus terdampar ayo diet.

me the other time: I respect myself. I will be kind to myself. I matter.
me the next day: babon kali lah

consistency is the key yet she is my biggest foe. ealah cuuuuk cuk.

english section, kira's speaking

i wish eternity

that candle smells good

we lit it

the fire starts

alas, the flame would go out eventually

but what if

we pick up the electric one

at the hardware store down the line

whats it different?

it will lit up


but, hows it different?

english section


okay! this or that time. movies or games?

really??? that’s a hard choice damn. alright. movies



android or ios?

Android, i don’t really like iOS. too much limit on it

AC or kipas angin?

i’m fine with none. a little bit stinky afterwards tho. I prefer AC

telegram or whatsapp?

whatsapp of course. I rarely use Telegram and I have it.

then gimme your Whatsapp number

ayyyyyy. that’s a smooth way to ask I have to admit. in a cover of this or that

i am also surprised by my ability to throw a flirty pick up line

oh you’re flirting with me now? such a bravery. gimme yours instead

english section, kira's speaking

a suffer

Hi, hun, sorry been awol for the whole day. Gotta take care some things. How was your day?

my heart is aching seeing that popped out of my screen. what the fuck, dude, you been gone for almost a day without me knowing where you at. are we done playing this game? are you ghosting me? are we finish? have you had enough of me? i been playing the worst scenario of my life.

no im not good, you bitch. how do you thing my day was going. it is never okay without you.

how am i suppose to respond the text.

im only okay, just usual day. sounds like an independent strong woman, huh?


no, my day was not good. i been thinking about you the whole day. sounds like a clingy codependant and can’t-live-without-you girl



ah fuck it. it is never easy answering something while you have rage inside. better cooling off my mind and will respond to it tomorrow

english section, kira's speaking

in a round

hey, that’s some pretty expensive beverages you got there. take it easy.

before he ends that sentence, it’s empty already.

well, if you care to give me some warnings, better do it sooner than later.

and we learn something tonight, honey. it’s so much easier to sip 750ml of wine rather than the water. wine rules!

okay, let’s put you under the blanket, miss.

no, i haven’t done my skincare routine yet.

soon as she wraps in blanket, she snores. easy.
